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Decisions from the Heart

Decisions from the Heart

The Braun family, front row, left to right: Luke, Anna, Josh, Alena, Jessa, Leo, Deborah. Second row: Tom, Jodi, Becky, Susanna, Rosie Braun. Third Row: Cara, Melanie, Alyssa, the Rev. Al Braun. Back row: Tim, Jacob, Alex, Connor, Stephen.

The legacy of farmland bought three generations ago not only blessed the families who owned it, but now will bless many more people.

"You can't believe what God has done through this farm," said Rosie Braun. She and her husband, the Rev. Al Braun set up a charitable remainder trust after the sale of the Minnesota farm Rosie inherited at age 2. Since none of their five children wanted to farm the land, the couple elected to transfer the property to The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) to fund direct gifts and a charitable remainder trust. After the sale of the farm, the Brauns personally delivered monetary gifts from the proceeds to three ministries close to their hearts: King of Kings Lutheran School and Concordia Academy in Roseville, Minnesota, and Concordia University, St. Paul, Minnesota.

The charitable remainder trust provides a steady stream of income for the couple, their children and future gifts to ministries.

The farm itself "was a gift anyway, and it is such a blessing to be able to help others" through it, Rosie said. The couple's happiness comes from being thankful for what God has blessed them with and generously sharing it, Rosie said.

This remarkable couple "exudes joy and faith," said LCEF's Vice President of Gift Planning Pam Moksnes, CFP™. She assisted the Brauns as they developed their plan which provides gifts to ministry during their lifetime, as well as after they are called home. Rosie said the plan gives their family "a sense of peace" knowing their true wishes are fulfilled and that the couple is financially secure during their retirement.

The Braun's children and their families are supportive of the trust because it was done with the advice and guidance of their personal financial advisor and Pam. However, the family is more excited about the joy this plan gives the couple as they support ministries that are meaningful to them. Concordia St. Paul is Rev. Braun's alma mater, and where Rosie worked for many years as the director of advising. "It takes away the fear," Rosie said of having an estate plan. "The knowledge you gain during the process re-affirms your dreams of giving and gives you a sense that you can really do this."

Rosie said Pam has such a passion for gift planning that "she made it fun and as easy as it could be." The fun comes from the knowledge of the impact that can be made through giving. "She has a joy that helped reinforce that all the possibilities we were thinking about could happen."

Sowing Faithfulness

Rosie said they found the deed to the property she inherited and the 80 acres at one time was "sold for $1 and the taxes were $6 or $7." Her great-grandparents passed the ground along to Rosie's grandmother, who then bequeathed it to Rosie's mother. It helped her parents pay for Lutheran educations for all of their children, a tradition Rev. Braun and Rosie continued with their children, even into college.

"The Lord was just a step ahead of us," Rosie said of the blessing the farm has been to her family. Now through the gifts the Brauns are making, Rosie said they are "hoping we can continue to help support Christian education."

During her tenure at Concordia St. Paul, Rosie said the school's diversity was "a real blessing. I met so many kids from all walks of life." It was important to the couple to see some of their gifts go for scholarships to help the school maintain and even increase its diverse student population.

The Brauns are long-time LCEF investors and Rev. Braun worked with LCEF while he was a pastor of several churches going through building and expansion projects. They are thankful for LCEF's gift planning services and Pam's assistance.

"God puts people on your path for a reason," Rosie said, saying one should not miss the opportunities He puts before you.

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